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Chapter History


The conception of the Rockford Alumnae Chapter began in the mind of Soror Cheryl Box.  To put her plan in action, she searched tenaciously, far and wide, for enough Deltas to charter a chapter. After much blood, sweat and tears, the Rockford Alumnae Chapter was chartered on November 18, 1984. There were thirteen charter members:


Sharon Baskerville, **Cheryl Box, Williette D. Caldwell, **Pamela Curry, *Sandra J. Glaspie, Oma O. Moore, Myla Meeks, *Karen A. Portis, *Vinest D. Steele, Dorothy Paige Turner, Debra J. Tyler, Denice Ward, **Georgia White

* Charter Members still active in the Rockford Alumnae Chapter

** Deceased










The Chapter continues to thrive and prosper today having given out over forty scholarships.  Rockford Alumnae Chapter also hosts Delta Academy at Ellis Arts Academy, and Delta GEMS at Auburn High School.  The Chapter currently has 39 active members with many more in the community. Rockford Alumnae currently conducts a wealth of other programs and projects within the Rockford Community such as Beads forLife, Water Well, Voter Registration, Census Awareness, Diabetes Awareness, Organ Donation, and EMBODI.

The Legacy Continues….




This web site is the sole property and responsibility of the Rockford Alumnae Chapter

Rockford Alumnae Chapter, All Rights Reserved Copyright 2015 

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